69 thoughts on “ENGLISH CONNECTION 2024-20

    1. Sure! Check the classrooms so that you attend and enjoy this activities. The classroom numbers will be published in 2 weeks.

        1. Great, just check the topic you like best and attend. Check classroom number and schedule. We will be looking forward to meeting you!

    1. Dear David!
      Únete a los clubs. En dos semanas publicaremos el número de aula donde podrás participar.
      Lo de los clubs se te da muy bien!

    1. Sure! Check the classrooms so that you attend and enjoy this activities. The classroom numbers will be published in 2 weeks.

    1. Sure! Check the classrooms so that you attend and enjoy this activities. The classroom numbers will be published in 2 weeks.

    1. Sure! Check the classrooms so that you attend and enjoy this activities. The classroom numbers will be published in 2 weeks.

    1. Sure! Check the classrooms so that you attend and enjoy this activities. The classroom numbers will be published in 2 weeks.

  1. Holaa quiero unirme a Play Room: Compite, practica y disfruta el idioma (Nivel A1-B2)
    Conversation Club: Discutamos un tema de interés general (Nivel A1 – B2)
    Reading Club: Aprende nuevo vocabulario a través de la lectura (A2+ – B2) para ir mejorando mi ingles.

    1. Genial!
      En dos semanas publicaremos las aulas donde se llevarán a cabo estas actividades. Pendiente por favor!

    1. Sure! Please visit this blog to get the information about classrooms where you can attend and enjoy the clubs.

    1. Great, just check the topic you like best and attend. Check classroom number and schedule. We will be looking forward to meeting you!
      The other option is to attend our open classes called UDLA ENGLISH. For more information, contact miguel.saenz@udla.edu.ec

    1. Great, just check the topic you like best and attend. Check classroom number and schedule. We will be looking forward to meeting you!
      The other option is to attend our open classes called UDLA ENGLISH. For more information, contact miguel.saenz@udla.edu.ec

    1. Que bien! solo revisa el tema, la fecha y el lugar. Con esa información, asiste y disfruta de estas alternativas.

    1. Great, just check the topic you like best and attend. Check classroom number and schedule. We will be looking forward to meeting you!
      The other option is to attend our open classes called UDLA ENGLISH. For more information, contact miguel.saenz@udla.edu.ec

  2. Hi! I want to improve my english in this activities, how can i get more information about this club?

    1. Great, just check the topic you like best and attend. Check classroom number and schedule. We will be looking forward to meeting you! If you want more information before attending, please write an email to mishel.marquez@udla.edu.ec

    1. Great, just check the topic you like best and attend. Check classroom number and schedule. We will be looking forward to meeting you!

    1. Great, just check the topic you like best and attend. Check classroom number and schedule. We will be looking forward to meeting you!

    1. Great, just check the topic you like best and attend. Check classroom number and schedule. We will be looking forward to meeting you!

  3. Holaa me gustaría unirme a Play Room: Compite, practica y disfruta el idioma (Nivel A1-B2)
    Conversation Club: Discutamos un tema de interés general (Nivel A1 – B2)
    Reading Club: Aprende nuevo vocabulario a través de la lectura (A2+ – B2) para ir mejorando mi ingles.

    1. Hola!
      Escoge el que más te guste, revisa el horario, fecha y lugar. Asiste, te estaremos esperando!

    1. Revisa las fechas y el aula donde se realiza el Club de Lectura. Recuerda que es por niveles. Te esperamos!

    1. Sure, we are too!
      Check the option you like the best and attend. Check classroom number and date.

    1. Sólo asiste al aula indicada, de acuerdo al nivel que requieres practicar. Que disfrutes!

    1. No, registering is not necesssary. Just check the classroom number and attend. Check dates previously!

  4. I would like to participate in the conversation room. Where will you publish the details?

    1. Check the rooms where we are having fun. In this blog there is a post called “English Connection – Clubs for everyone”.

    1. Check the rooms where we are having fun. In this blog there is a post called “English Connection – Clubs for everyone”.

    2. Check the rooms where we are having fun. In this blog there is a post called “English Connection – Clubs for everyone”.

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