Tic 88: Happy Birthday to the Bard! / Aplicación para favoritos

Happy Birthday to the Bard!

by: Gwen Bloomsburg

Although the exact date upon which William Shakespeare was born in 1564 is uncertain, his baptism is recorded as 26 April, and customs of the time would make his birth a few days earlier a probable scenario. Certainly, his death on 23 April 1616 is well-recorded, and that means we are smack-dab in the singular week when the best-known of all English writers came into and departed this world.

  Best-known does not always make for best-loved, and many students can recount painful memories of forced Shakespearean encounters. Perhaps that is because it is common for students of English as a second language to study his works, which can seem impenetrable even to native speakers of English. Indeed, many people who speak and read no English at all have heard of Shakespeare, and that brings us to an interesting point to ponder as we approach the 450th anniversary of the Bard’s birth: What relevance do Shakespeare’s works have today? I am interested to hear any and all responses.

  Finally, whether for first acquaintance or further exploration of the writer’s life and work, visit the Folger Shakespeare Library site: http://www.folger.edu/index.cfm. The library, located in Washington, D.C., boasts the “world’s largest and finest collection of Shakespeare materials” (About Us).


About Us. Folger Shakespeare Library.

   Washington, D.C., United States: Folger

   Shakespeare Library.

Aplicación para favoritos

por: Gino Naranjo

La consulta y uso de la Internet es generalizado, cada día aparecen nuevas páginas, recursos y aplicaciones.  Esta avalancha de información puede facilitar la desorientación del usuario promedio y la herramienta más bien se convierte en una barrera y en un impedimento.  Felizmente dentro de esos servicios disponibles existen las llamadas “extensiones o complementos” para los distintos navegadores. Hoy por hoy ya no se emplea una única máquina para acceder a la información y quisiéramos que nuestras páginas favoritas estén registradas en los diferentes navegadores.  Esto es posible gracias a una aplicación llamada Xmarks Bookmark Sync. Luego de haber creado una cuenta, sin costo, se pedirá al usuario que la instale en los diferentes navegadores, por ejemplo una en el trabajo y otra en la casa. A partir de ese momento las páginas guardadas como favoritas en cualquiera de los dos lugares se sincronizarán de forma automática o a criterio del usuario. Compatible con los navegadores: Chrome, Safari, Firefox y Explorer.

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